How to submit proof of correction
for Correctable "Fix-It" Charge
What is proof of correction?
Proof of correction depends on the charge. Examples are:
NO LICENSE IN POSSESSIN (9-24-13-3) = Submit a photo of your driver's license
EXPIRED LICENSE PLATES - FALSE/FICTICIOUS PLATES (9-18.1) = submit a photo of your registration the vehicle listed on ticket.
If you submit a receipt from the BMV it must indicate the make, model and year of the vehicle.
BRAKE LIGHT/TAIL LIGHT/TURN SIGNAL LIGHT/HEADLIGHT/LICENSE PLATE LIGHT (9-19) = Submit a photo of the receipt showing you had it repaired or that you purchased a bulb.
FAILURE TO CHANGE ADDRESS (9-24) = Submit a photo of your new driver's license with updated address
If you receive a receipt from the BMV it must show your new address, a photo of you, your license number etc.
Do you have more than one charge on your case?
You must resolve all charges on the case at the same time. If one charge is a correctable charge (Fix-It) and the second charge is payable, you must submit proof of correction and payment on the same day.
To submit payment CLICK HERE. You will need to return to this page to submit proof of correction.
Is your case COURT REQUIRED?
Some cases require the defendant to appear in Terre Haute City Court for a hearing. If you are unsure, please visit Mycase.In.Gov to see if you case is set for hearing.
If your case is set for hearing, you cannot use this form and you must appear in court on your hearing date.
Do you have more than one correctable offense (Fix-It) on your case?
You will need to submit a form for each charge.
Is your correctable offense (Fix-It) for a headlight, turn sign, brake light, tail light, or license plate light AND you do not have a receipt?
If so, you will need to upload two images in the form. The first image is of the light showing it is working. We realize you cannot show a turn signal "blinking" but you can show it works. The second image will be of your license plate. The form allows for two photos to be uploaded on the same form.
Cannot provide proof of correction?
If you cannot provide proof of correction, you must request a court hearing. Please CLICK HERE to access the forms.
You will need your CASE NUMBER or UTT NUMBER before completing form.
If you do not have either the Case Number or UTT Number, please visit Mycase.In.Gov to find your case number. Please wait five (5) business days before submitting proof.
Do you need to submit a copy of registration?
The document you submit must show the Make, Model and Year of the vehicle. Otherwise your submission will be rejected.
In certain situations, you may not be able to submit proof. Please call our office during normal business hours for further instructions. 812-244-2103.
You will NOT receive any additional documentation once you submit your form(s). If there are any problems, you will be contacted first by telephone then by US Postal Mail (if we cannot reach you by telephone). Failure to resolve any problems will result in the rejection of your submission.