The City of Terre Haute Sewage Billing Department is in contract with Indiana American Water Company to disconnect water service to those mutual, metered customers who have seriously delinquent user fees. Prior to interruption of water service, the Sewage Billing Department will send the customer an additional and final Disconnect Notice (see example above) stating the disconnect eligible amount (minimum due to avoid service interruption), the due date of payment before the account will be submitted for disconnection and when and where to pay the disconnect eligible amount.
Be advised that payments made when an account is in the disconnect process must be made through the local office to ensure they are expeditiously applied to the account. Payments made through any other means are subject to the normal processing time and may not post to an account prior to the Disconnect Notice due date. Payments which post after the Disconnect Notice due date may not prevent the service from being interrupted so timely payment with the local office is very important. If service is interrupted a $65 Disconnect Fee will be added to the account and the fee along with any delinquent charges must be paid prior to service being restored (City Code Article 5, Sec 9-111).