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City of Terre Haute Trash Fee
In 2016 the City implemented a new fee that will appear on your monthly sewage bill for the collection of solid waste within the City of Terre Haute. The new fee will be billed on the June 2016 bill, it will be a new line item on the bill and will be due on July 14th.
The rate is $15.00 per month and will go up $.50 on July 1, 2025 ($15.50), and again on July 1, 2026 ($16.00).
The fee will only be charged to service addresses that are within the city limits.
Bill dates, due dates, late fees and collections methods are the same as for Sewage Bills.
City of Terre Haute Sewage Billing
In 2012 Indiana American Water Company made the business decision to discontinue the inclusion of charges for sewer fees on water usage bills for cities and towns statewide. TPi Billing Solutions, a contractor selected through a request for proposals process, began billing sewer fees to customers served by the Terre Haute Sanitary District beginning in January of 2013.
Calculating Your Sewer Bill
If you receive your water from a well your sewer fees are based on a flat rate monthly fee. Click here if you would like to view the sewer rate information.
If you receive your water from a water service provider, such as Indiana American Water Company or Seelyville Waterworks, your sewer fees are based on your water usage. Each month the water meter usage data is gathered by your water service provider and sent to TPi Billing Solutions. TPi then applies the appropriate sewer fees based on water usage data. Because the water usage bill and sewer bill are not generated at the same time you will notice that the water usage reflected on the current month’s sewer bill is the same as the usage that was reflected on last month’s water bill. Look for the Billing From Date and Billing To Date on your sewer bill to verify which month’s water usage data is being reflected.
The sewer rates per unit are not the same as the water service provider’s rates per unit, which means that your sewer bill amount likely will not match the water bill for the same service dates. Click here if you would like to view the sewage rate for metered water customers.
Bill Due Dates and Late Fees
The City of Terre Haute sewer bill due dates are consistent with the policies of Indiana American Water Company: sewer payments are due within twenty-one (21) days of the bill date. Sewer fees that are not paid after the 21st day are deemed delinquent and subject to a ten percent (10%) late fee as provided in Indiana Code §36-9-23-31.
The 10% late fee is added only one (1) time per delinquent amount. For example, if January’s sewer bill is not paid by the due date, a 10% late fee will appear in the Other Current Charges section of your February sewer bill for the January delinquency. If no payment is received for the delinquent January bill or current February bill by the due date, a 10% late fee will be applied to only the delinquent February charges and will appear in the Other Current Charges section of the March bill.
Failure to Pay Sewer Bills
Failure to pay sewer bills can result in any or all of the following:
· 10% late fee (mentioned above)
· Disconnection of water service:
- You will be responsible for all costs associated with the disconnection and reconnection of the water service; such costs are charged by your water service provider and will be added to the total amount due.
· Lien certified against the property at the service address:
- Additional charges incurred in the lien certification process will be added to the total amount due.
Sewage Rates
Click here for information regarding the sewage billing rates. |
Public Records Request Online |
If the sewage account IS NOT IN YOUR NAME but you have a legal interest in the property, click here to complete and submit the Sewage Billing Account Public Records Request form. |
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If you need help with your online sewage billing account please contact the Customer Care Center by calling 1-800-955-6598 or email them at [email protected]. |