Where can I locate video recordings from the Terre Haute City Council meetings?


Video recordings of City Council meetings are available of the City's YouTube channel.  You may watch video recordings of Terre Haute City Council meetings from March 2017 to current date.  Please CLICK HERE to access the videos on the City's YouTube Channel.

Please note, June 2020 videos through current are under the LIVE tab.  Videos prior to June 2020 are under the VIDEO tab.

If you wish to obtain a recording of a City Council Meeting prior to March 2017, please contact Michelle Edwards, City Clerk, at [email protected] for more information.  A fee may be assessed for these videos.



How can I view the ordinances and the resolutions that the Terre Haute City Council discusses and takes action on?


The ordinances and resolutions are located on the website and stored in separate files.  The current year and the past year’s ordinances and resolutions are located on the main webpage for the Terre Haute City Council.  To access these folders CLICK HERE.  The titles follow a format like this: 2025 ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS, & AGENDAS.  Within each year are folders for each Regular Meeting and each Special Meeting.  The ordinances and resolutions that had action taken during each meeting are also under the meeting’s folder.

The ordinances and resolutions from prior years are located under PRIOR YEARS ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS, & AGENDAS.  You will find folders labeled by year, then by meeting.

The ordinances and resolutions have a short description about them under the title.  We are working on an index to help you locate the ordinance or resolution you are searching for.  This is a major project and will take time to complete.




If I want to speak to a member of the Terre Haute City Council concerning a problem that is not currently before them, how may I contact them?


You may reach them by telephone, email or postal mail.  CLICK HERE to access their contact information.  You may also attend a Regular Meeting and speak during the portion set aside for Comment on Non-Agenda Items.  A Comment and Question form is available online as well. Please CLICK HERE to access it




I would like to speak to a member(s) of the Terre Haute City Council about an item they have on their current agenda.  How can I do this?


You may attend any Regular Meeting when the ordinance or resolution is on the agenda.  Public Comment is allowed when the ordinance or resolution is being discussed.  You may reach them by telephone, email or postal mail.  CLICK HERE to access their contact information.  You may also email Michelle Edwards, City Clerk, at [email protected] and she will forward your comments and questions to the Council.




Where can I find the current ordinances and resolutions on the upcoming meeting’s agenda?


You can access these items by visiting the Terre Haute City Council’s webpage.  The current year’s ordinances and resolutions are located on the main webpage for the Terre Haute City Council.  To access this folder CLICK HERE.  The titles follow a format like this: 2025 ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS, & AGENDAS.  Within the current year’s folder are individual folders for each Regular Meeting and each Special Meeting.  The ordinances and resolutions that had or will have action taken during each meeting are also under the meeting’s folder.  The ordinances and resolutions have a short description about them under the title. 


We try to post these ordinances and resolutions promptly.  Please check the webpage for updated information on new filings of ordinances and resolutions.  If you wish to be added to the distribution list for meeting notifications, please send an email to [email protected] and request to be added to the meeting distribution list.





Where can I find a copy of the agenda for the upcoming meeting?


You can access these items by visiting the Terre Haute City Council’s webpage.  The agendas are stored within the corresponding month’s folder.  A draft version of the agenda is placed on the webpage prior to the meeting.  The final version of the agenda is available at the meeting and is posted in City Hall prior to the meeting.  The agenda on the webpage prior to the meeting is in DRAFT form.  It may be updated prior to the meeting.  Please check the webpage often to see if there are updates.

The current year’s ordinances and resolutions are located on the main webpage for the Terre Haute City Council.  To access this folder CLICK HERE.  The titles follow a format like this: 2025 ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS, & AGENDAS.  Within the current year’s folder are individual folders for each Regular Meeting and each Special Meeting.  The ordinances and resolutions that had or will have action taken during each meeting are also under the meeting’s folder.  The ordinances and resolutions have a short description about them under the title. 




Where can I find a list of meeting dates for this year’s meetings?


CLICK HERE to access the meeting dates approved by the Terre Haute City Council.  If there are special meetings announced, please look under the current year’s ordinances and resolutions main folder.  It is located on the main webpage for the Terre Haute City Council.  CLICK HERE to access the main webpage of the Terre Haute City Council.





How do I find out who my Terre Haute City Council member is?


There are nine members of the Terre Haute City Council.  Six of the members are district members.  This means they are assigned a specific geographical location within the city limits as their district.  Three members are at large.  You can discuss any questions or concerns you may have with any member.

If you would like to speak with a member for a specific area, we have maps available on the webpage.  CLICK HERE to access the maps.  The maps are by district.  In general, District 1 is the southernmost area of the city.  District 2 is the easternmost section of the city.  District 3 is the northeast area of the city.  District 5 is the northwest area of the city.  District 4 is generally the western edge of the city.  District 6 is generally the central area of the city.





How do I file an ordinance or a resolution with the Terre Haute City Council?


Some ordinances and resolutions must be prepared by the Legal Department.  In general, if the ordinance is in reference to any topic other than a request to rezoning property, a request to vacate a street or alley, or a tax abatement, a citizen will need to contact a council member to discuss this change.  The council member would then contact the Legal Department.   

If the request is in reference to a zoning change or vacating a street/alley, the citizen must prepare the legal documents themselves but a council member must sign the ordinance prior to the citizen filing it.  The citizen may also seek private legal counsel.  There are no sample or fill-in-the-blank forms.  If the citizen has questions regarding a zoning change, they should first contact Jason Holler, City Building Inspector at [email protected], call 812-244-4959 or consult an attorney.

If the request is in reference to a tax abatement, the company may consult legal counsel or prepare the resolution for the tax abatement themselves.  There are no sample or fill-in-the-blank forms.  







Are there maps of the City Council districts?

City Council district maps are available on our webpage.  Please CLICK HERE to access them.