August 6, 2020 Ordinances, Resolutions and Agendas
The ordinances, resolutions, and agendas for the August 6, 2020 Terre Haute City Council Electronic Meeting at 6:00pm
Appropriation 14, 2020
$54,470.21 from EMS #0270-0027-00-346.010 to Fire Training #0511-0000-00-345.200
Resolution 8, 2020
Designating an area commonly identified as 4621 East Margaret Dr. as an Economic Revitalization Area for the purpose of Ten (10) Year Personal Property Tax Abatement <Highland Retina Associates LLC> <For Confirmation>. This resolution was adopted July 9, 2020.
Resolution 9, 2020
Designating an area commonly identified as 4621 East Margaret Dr. as an Economic Revitalization Area for the purpose of Ten (10) Year Real Property Tax Abatement <Highland Retina Associates LLC> <For Confirmation>. This resolution was adopted on July 9, 2020.
Council Correspondence
Correspondence submitted to the Terre Haute City Council