If you are performing any construction activity inside the City limits, you will most likely need a permit. Our office issues permits for general construction, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, demolition, sign, tree removal in right of way, and right of way permits. These permits can be purchased in the Engineering Department through our online servicer Cityworks. Here is a list of things to know before purchasing a permit:
- The cost of a permit for tree removal or alteration in the City right of way is $25.00. In order to remove or alter any tree in the City right of way, you must be registered with the City. You must also have approval from the City Forester.
- If you are the property owner and you live in the house that you will be working on, you can perform all work yourself. Permits can be issued to the owner for the work that will be performed.
- For demolition work, a homeowner cannot demolish a dwelling but may demolish a garage with prior authorization from the building inspector. For commercial, industrial, or multi-family residential (four or more dwellings) demolition, an IDEM state form 44593 must be completed by an Indiana-licensed asbestos professional. This form must be submitted before a permit will be issued. Additional information can be found on IDEM's Website. and What IDEM Regulates.
- If you own the property but do not live in the property, you can only do non-structural work (roofing, siding, etc). Any structural, plumbing, mechanical, or electrical work must be performed by a licensed contractor. The licensed contractor performing the work must purchase the permit, a permit will not be issued to the property owner.
- If you are a contractor, you are responsible for purchasing permits. Permits can not be issued to the home owner.
- Before a sign permit can be issued, drawings of the sign must be submitted to our office and approved by our Lead Inspector. They can be mailed, faxed, or emailed.
- Before a permit for new commercial construction including additions can be issued, plans must be submitted to our office. Please refer to section on plan review.
- All new construction or building additions require a sketch showing the location of the proposed new building/addition on the property as well as the distances from the centerlines of any streets or alleys to the structure, and the distance from any adjacent property lines.