Urban Forestry is important and highly valued by the residents of Terre Haute. The tree canopy provides numerous benefits that improve the environmental health, physical health and financial health of the community. The community takes pride in the fact that, Terre Haute has received the Tree City USA  designation for the past 22 years from the National Arbor Day Foundation and in 2014 received the prestigious Sterling Tree City USA for its 10 year commitment to professional management and improvement of the city’s canopy.

The Urban Forester is responsible for approximately 17,000 street trees throughout the city of Terre Haute. The city offers the residents of Terre Haute the following services for trees located in the tree row or right of way.

Services include:   

  • Tree Evaluations

  • Implementation and enforcement of City Tree Ordinance

  • Tree Removal (Trees are routinely removed due to old age, poor health, high risk condition or other problems) 

  • Permit for tree removal or pruning

  • Tree Replacement Program

  • Public Education